Type: Mech warfare Developer: Quantum Factory Publisher: Activision Number of players: 1 Rating: K-A (realistic violence) Mechwarrior 2 (MW2) is a descendant of FASA's incredibly popular Battletech boardgame series. Battletech fanatics were thrilled when the boardgame made its way to the PC. A series of PC games followed and the rest is history. Finally and thankfully MW2 has made its way to the Playstation. So how does the PSX version stack up against the PC version? Read on and you will be pleasantly surprised. MW2 has 4 play options: Instant Action, Training, Clan Wolf and Clan Jade-Falcon. The recommended starting point for MW2 is the Training option. There are 6 Training missions which prepare you for the carnage that awaits in the Campaigns and Instant Action. Just about everything you need to know is covered i.e. Mech piloting, using weapons, inspection etc. If you're used to getting yelled at by a parent, teacher or boss then you'll feel right at home with your instructor in the Training missions. Instant Action has 12 different and unique planets for some fast paced action. There are 12 Mech chassis available starting with the lightweight Firemoth up to the heavyweight and awesome Dire Wolf. There's also several weapons variants available for each Mech. After you select your Mech and weapons variant the weapons can be configured in groups. You can mix and match missile systems and energy weapons. If you put too many energy weapons in one group your Mech will overheat and shutdown during combat. Not a good thing. Clan Wolf includes 3 campaigns: Trial of Refusal (16 missions), Wolf's Dragon (4 missions) and Freebirth Trials (4 missions). The Wolf's Dragon and Freebirth Trials are BONUS mini-campaigns created exclusively for the MW2 PSX version. Clan Jade-Falcon also has 3 campaigns: Trial of Refusal (16 missions), Crusader Trials (4 missions) and Inner Sphere Trials (4 missions). The Crusader Trials and Inner Sphere Trials are also BONUS mini-campaigns created exclusively for the MW2 PSX version. Gameplay is conducted strictly from inside your Mech. The Heads-Up-Display has the following displays: radar, weapons, targeting, heat tracking indicator, damage, forward/reverse throttle gauge, targeting reticle, target bracket and a mission objectives reminder. The damage to your Mech and the enemy Mech is shown in 4 different colors depending on the amount of damage inflicted. Hint: Black is NOT a good color for your Mech. Missions vary with objectives such as attack, defend or even inspection. This is not a shoot-em-up bloodfest. Some missions have a weight restriction which limits the Mech you can select for that mission. Selecting a Mech with Jump Jets (when available) can help prolong your life. The Options screen includes 8 different controller configurations. These range from simple to complex. Carefully study the different configurations before making a selection. The simpler configurations are not always the best for several reasons. For example, Configuration #1 and #6 do not allow you to turn your torso. Turning your torso or turret, allows you to move in one direction while firing at enemies to the side. If you want to progress from the rank of Mechwarrior to Khan you better learn how to twist your torso when engaged in combat. MW2 works with either the analog joystick or the standard controller. The analog joystick makes Mech handling a real pleasure. However, information is not included in the manual on how to use the analog joystick. To find out how to use the analog joystick, check this site for the "Mechwarrior 2 Analog Joystick Update". Even with the difficulty level set to "Easy" this ain't no walk in the park. There are 8 different Power-Ups which can help when you're swarmed by enemy Mechs. These include the standard fare of reloads and health but there's also a very useful Stealth Power-Up. This allows you to become invisible for a limited time. Don't you wish this was available in real-life? If you're under the impression that MW2 for the PSX is strictly an arcade game - you are WRONG. This is a challenging game that requires strategy and good Mech piloting skills. How are the graphics? Very very good! Especially when compared to the PC version. PC snobs might argue the computer graphics are better and they would be partially correct. That is, if you own a $3,000 Pentium 150 or better with all the latest gizmos. At 20 times the cost of a $149 PSX the PC graphics darn well oughta be better! If however, you played MW2 on the average PC with the resolution cranked up, the frame rate would look like a slide show. In comparison, the PSX frame rate was smooth and graphics beautifully rendered. The animated cinematics are a visual treat. The sound is everything you'd expect or want in an action packed game. The voices are clear and easy to understand. Your Mech's on-board computer has a sexy female voice that tells you when targets are locked, warns you of danger, mission failure and more. The music is enjoyable and compliments the 31st century setting. Bottom Line: One of the BEST robot games ever released for the PSX. Exciting and addictive action. Outstanding fun. A classic! If you don't have MW2 for PSX, why not? Password: Yes Memory Card: 1 Block Supports: Analog Joystick Compatible (?) Graphics: 88 Sound: 90 Learning Curve: Becoming a Master Mech pilot takes practice, practice, practice! Difficulty: Deadly if you select "Hard". Controller Options: 8 Manual: Very Good. Includes weapons data and Mech specs. Replay Value: Extremely High. Codes: CRUISE CONTROL: Go to the password screen and enter #AXO/A4TTA EXTRA VARIANTS: T#XO/AX<<< EXTRA HEAT SINKS: #XXO/A4>Y+ There are 8 other codes including INVINCIBILITY and UNLIMITED AMMO Check this site often for additional codes. FINAL SCORE: A "solid" 90 =*=A Voltranic Syndicated Review=*=